Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Economists Set Priorities to Combat Disease and Poverty

The Copenhagen Consensus assesses the cost/benefit of investments in development projects addressing ten major challenges in the world, characterizing them as very good, good, fair, and bad. Projects to combat AIDS/HIV are very good, ranking as the highest priority; the Kyoto protocol is a bad investment with very high cost and little benefit. They also consider guest worker programs to be a bad investment.

The link to the .pdf file with their full list is here.


Anonymous said...

Did you have a particular point to make in posting this article? Sounds like an interesting project, especially if their criteria for selection of experts and the evidence considered are documented. Not surprising to see AIDS/HIV at the top, given the current policy climate. Some of the other conclusions are surprising.

Faith Matters said...

With all of the interest in development projects, it's interesting to note that a group including three Nobel laureates have assessed the value of these investments.

We hear too much about global warming; not enough about these other projects.