Tuesday, May 03, 2005

End to Ethics Truce

The ethics truce is off! We are going to see much more of this sort of thing, Lobbyist Paid for Lawmakers Travel. When the Democrats tried to nail Delay for having his family on the payroll they had to back down because it turns out many of them did, too. Now it turns out that unlike Delay's stiuation where a couple of his aides travelled on Abramoff's nickle, a couple Democratic congressmen benefitted directly themselves. They are pleading ignorance, but that's Delay's claim as well.

It looks like we're reverting back to the days of continual charges, counter charges, and investigations.


Pelosi's ethics stance hypocritical: " In an ABC interview Sunday, Mrs. Pelosi dismissed questions about travel by Democrats, telling interviewer George Stephanopoulos: 'Do not fall into a Republican trap of equating technicalities on reporting, timing of reporting with not upholding an ethical standard of the House.'

Republicans see a double standard.

'What is a 'technicality' for her requires a full-scale investigation for others,' said National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Carl Forti. "

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