Monday, May 30, 2005

Travel on Special Interest's Dime

AP: Lawmakers Belatedly Disclose Trips:
"Scrutiny of Majority Leader Tom DeLay's travel has led to the belated disclosure of at least 198 previously unreported special interest trips by House members and their aides, including eight years of travel by the second-ranking Democrat, an Associated Press review has found."
Surprise, surprise. In one of my previous posts, I linked to a site listing all privately-funded congressional travel. I noted that Delay was well down the list, and that the top 20 travelers were all Democrats. It turns out even this amount of travel was understated. Both Republicans and Democrats are scrambling to clean up their travel reporting, but still have not fully succeeded in complying with the rules.

Why are the Democrats are trying to single Delay out on this one? I don't get it.

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