Thursday, January 26, 2006 - Sen. Kerry calls for filibuster of Alito

Everyone understands that Kerry is making a play for DailyKos support with this call, but it's hard to imagine that it will not backfire on him:

1) Kerry called for this filibuster after 5 Democrats had already announced they would vote for cloture, that is, after it was already clear no call for a filibuster could succeed. So, either Kerry can't add or this is a completely cynical move on his part to get credit with the lefties, whom he must think too dim to see through the charade.

2) He's placed the Democratic leadership in a tough spot. Several of his colleagues have already indicated they believe this will alienate the majority of Americans and create future problems for the Democratic party. Kerry, however, has chosen to ignore these objections, and put his fellow-Senators on the hook with the party's base.

One little side note: among the criticisms of Kerry coming from middle America was his deference to Europeans in formulating national security policy. When he flew his French hairdresser in to touch up his hair on the campaign trail, his preference for all things European was confirmed, reinforcing his image problem. Where is he now? Switzerland. He calls on his fellow Democrats to filibuster a Supreme Court nominee, a previously unprecedented act in American history, then immediately takes off for Davos. The symbolism is rich. He's phoning it in from Europe!

It seems Kerry, once again, has set himself up for resentment and ridicule. He must be politically tone deaf.

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