Friday, January 27, 2006

International Snowboarding Man of Mystery

From The Washington Times:
Democratic Sens. Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia and Tim Johnson of South Dakota said they will support the nomination, even as Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts phoned in for a filibuster from the Swiss Alps.
Mr. Kerry made calls yesterday while attending the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, urging colleagues to join a last-ditch effort to thwart Judge Alito's confirmation. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat, joined in Mr. Kerry's call for a filibuster.
Republicans -- eager to relive the days during the 2004 presidential campaign when they called Mr. Kerry 'an international man of mystery' -- delighted in his choice of venue.
'He shouldn't be wasting taxpayers' hard-earned money on long-distance phone charges calling for such obstruction,' said Sen. George Allen, Virginia Republican.
'I hope it doesn't interrupt his snowboarding plans,' added Joseph Cella, president of the conservative Catholic group Fidelis. He noted that American voters support Judge Alito's confirmation by a nearly 2-to-1 margin.
'While I'm sure Senator Kerry feels right at home at the plush resort, he has only further marginalized himself as a very liberal senator who is completely out of touch with middle American values,' Mr. Cella said.
Kerry just doesn't get it. The image of him snowboarding in the Alps while phoning in a filibuster is just too easy! Just as I predicted this image is all over the blogs this morning. There's also fairly unanimous opinion that this was a completely cynical fundraising ploy to satisfy the radical base of his party. Kerry wants to have it both ways yet again. He wants to get credit for calling for a filibuster, but waits for cloture to be almost a done deal so that it has no chance to succeed.

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