Saturday, March 15, 2008

PJM Interview: Carly Fiorina

I am puzzled by feminists' embrace of Hillary Clinton, a woman with no real accomplishments of her own. Pajamas Media has an interview with a woman of real achievement: Pajamas Media: PJM Election Interview: Carly Fiorina. I wonder if this is a step toward a political career for Carly.


esrogs said...

Even supposing that her election as senator was solely on the basis of her having been first lady, it seems a stretch to say that H. Clinton has no real accomplishments of her own.

From Wikipedia:

"A native of Illinois, Hillary Rodham attracted national attention in 1969 when she delivered an address as the first student to speak at commencement exercises for Wellesley College. She began her career as a lawyer after graduating from Yale Law School in 1973. She moved to Arkansas in 1974 and married Bill Clinton in 1975, following a stint as a Congressional legal counsel. She was later named the first female partner at Rose Law Firm in 1979 and was listed as one of the one hundred most influential lawyers in America in 1988 and 1991. She was the First Lady of Arkansas from 1979 to 1981 and 1983 to 1992 and was active in a number of organizations concerned with the welfare of children as well as sitting on the board of Wal-Mart and several other corporate boards."


Faith Matters said...

I'll admit that she seems to be a very smart woman. Unlike many Republican pundits, I believe McCain would have a tougher time against her than against Obama because her answers (or non-answers) to difficult questions are so shrewd. It's also clear that she was a leader in college and at law school.

However, having somehow failed the D.C. bar exam, one of the easiest in the country, she went to Arkansas to marry Bill. Then she joined the Rose law firm, admittedly a prestigious firm, but one which did a lot with the state of Arkansas, of which her husband was governor. Her positions on the boards of corporations stems from her position at Rose.

Hillary did work for the betterment of education in Arkansas, but she was appointed to the role because she was first lady. She grossly exaggerates her job with Wright Edelman's children's defense organization. If I remember correctly, she was there for less than a year.

There are any number of women who have made it on their own, married and unmarried, to whom feminists could look (even Nancy Pelosi) and get very excited about. I don't see Hillary as one of them.

esrogs said...

Fair enough.